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Tag Archives: women
Resistance is Fertile
Posted on by Stella
“Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.”
That strength was out in full force last Saturday as an estimated 4.8 million women from 81 countries around the world marched in solidarity and showed the world the potency of Our plight.
I could only be there in spirit (a real shame considering I do love a good protest, nothing beats the feeling of oneness and comradery when united for a common cause!) but was overwhelmed and utterly elated at the number of sisters and brothers standing together for women’s rights, human rights and equality for everyone. After all, men of quality aren’t afraid of equality (pinched that one from some meritable man’s sign!)
Of course the focus was directed at Donald (the) Trump and his sexist, misogynistic, racist and all round archaic views. Prompting a wonderful mix of witty, political, angry, clever and crude protest signs that encapsulate perfectly the general sentiment from around the world.
Watching the triumphant mass of global protesters was enough to restore anyone’s faith in humanity and makes me proud to be a woman!
Girl Power has evolved!
with a plethora of genius slogans from…
‘Orange Is the New Fascism’ To ‘I Wish My Uterus Shot Bullets So the Government Wouldn’t Regulate It’
here are some of my favourite protesters and their signs….