Tips To Help You Improve Your Wardrobe

Having the desire to want to dress better and improve your wardrobe is a great goal. You’ll likely find that in the process of doing so you become more confident in yourself and with your appearance.

No longer will you be hiding from the world, but instead you’ll want to be seen and show off all of your new looks. This is your chance to completely rework your style and find options that truly allow you to stand out in a positive manner and help you make a statement about who you are. The following tips are going to allow you to accomplish this goal and figure out what outfits the best suit you.

Educate Yourself

It’s a wise idea to start by educating yourself about fashion and what looks and styles are trending. There’s a lot of information out there to guide you in making better choices and improving your wardrobe. Also, consider following fashion icons on social media and keeping up with what they’re wearing and advertising as what’s hot right now. Understanding fashion better is a process and takes you being willing to remain open-minded and learn some of the terminologies and why certain trends last and others fade out.

Go through Your Closet

It’s definitely worth your time to take a weekend and go through your closet and see what you already own. Try clothes on and get rid of or donate what no longer fits or is out of style. You can improve your wardrobe by combing through what items are dragging down your appearance and removing them so they’re not simply taking up space. You may also find old pieces that have been hiding or didn’t previously fit you but now do. This can be a daunting project if you own a lot of clothes but it’ll be well worth your efforts when you soon only have items in your closet that you actually enjoy wearing and know look good on.

Invest in the Staples

Another tip that will help you improve your wardrobe is to invest in the staples such as a good pair of jeans, work attire, a black dress and colourful t-shirts. It’s especially important you’re prepared to dress for success if you’re on the hunt for a new job or want to look more professional and put together where you currently work. If you’re short on cash but this investment is important to you then look into and find out more about taking out a loan so you can move forward with this project.

Know Your Body

Keep in mind that you may not be able to wear or that you might not look good in the various runway styles out there. What’s most critical is that you learn to know your body and what items look best on your shape. You can improve your wardrobe and style by finding outfits that compliment your figure and make you feel good about yourself. Focus on highlighting what you love about you and strategically making your flaws appear less noticeable.

Ask for Help

Know that you don’t have to go about improving your wardrobe all on your own. It’s a wise idea to reach out and ask for help if you need it. It’s possible you have a friend or family member who dresses well and is up to speed with the latest fashions. Spend some time with this person and discuss what’s trending and ask their advice about your current attire. Invite them over to rummage through your closet with you or see if they’ll go shopping with you and help you pick out a few attractive items to wear. There’s so much you can learn from someone who already has a sense of fashion that it’s worth your time to pick their brain further.

Stock up on Accessories

You can also enhance your wardrobe by stocking up on and wearing more accessories. This includes items like shoes, scarves, purses and jewellery which will not only create a better overall look but is a way to add a pop of colour to your outfit. When getting dressed each day think about how you can improve your current outfit by adding a few accessories here and there. Shop for them when you’re out and about and have a few favourites stashed away that you can turn to when you need to spruce up your attire.

Look Around

Another way to improve your wardrobe is to take a look around at what other people are wearing when you’re out in public. Don’t be afraid to compliment someone on their outfit and ask where they purchased a certain pair of pants or top. Go sit in a busy area or at the shopping mall and take notes about what you do and don’t like that people are wearing. Get ideas when you’re at work or the grocery store and observe what you think looks the best on others. Simply be more attentive and aware of your surroundings and you’ll quickly be able to pick up on what fashions are in style and which ones need to go.

Be Adventurous & Daring

You can also improve your wardrobe by being more adventurous and daring when it comes to your style. Don’t be afraid to layer items or wear a pop of colour every so often and see how you feel when you get outside your comfort zone. Try on and buy an item you normally would overlook when you’re out shopping and see how you feel in it and what kind of reaction you get from others. This is your chance to step outside the box and come up with new and fun ways to mix and match your clothes so you too can look trendier. Make changes to your wardrobe slowly over time and it won’t feel so overwhelming or nerve-wracking for you to dress differently. Have fun with this and be proud of yourself for being willing to challenge yourself and your style and try new looks.


Currently recruiting
An opening for an internship is now available 👩‍💻
We are looking for a fashion/media student (or anyone interested in a career in fashion) to help with all aspects of running an online fashion + vintage shop. Learn the ins and outs of an E-commerce business and have fun along the way! If you’d love to join the team please dm me or drop me an email at
We are based in North Wales so anyone local or in the Chester/Liverpool/Manchester area please get in touch.
Looking forward to hearing from you xx